
Our Beadyz are temporarily unavailable – but should be available in August


Peejay Tackle are pleased to introduce the Beadyz. After fishing with the water wagglers, we realised that although they are very effective, there were some ways they could be improved and so the Beadyz were invented. The main body of the water wagglers are made from very soft polypropylene pipettes, so when the tops are painted, the paint will crack and fall off as the material flexes. Some makers fix this by making a cap from a second pipette to fit over the painted one. Apart from being wasteful, this cap distorts the streamlined profile of the wagglers and contributes to lower casting accuracy and distance.
Our solution is to pack the body with coloured beads, which will not degrade.
The original water wagglers also do not cast too well because of the weight distribution, we fixed this by the addition of a loaded weight to the base, which improves accuracy and distance again.
The water inside the original water wagglers is also prone to go green after been exposed to sunlight – once again this is a problem we have fixed.
In testing, these floats have accounted for a lot of fish.

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